The health and wellness market is expanding with the best CBD products in the UK, and these products can support all aspects of our return to the office after an unparalleled year.

We’ve exchanged our meeting rooms for zoom calls and for many it’s been a while since we wore those shirts. So the anticipation of adjusting from virtual to in person is affecting us all in various degrees.

One thing is for sure, we have never been so conscious of taking care of our health, and as recently reported by many including lifestyle magazine Vogue, the best CBD products in the UK have assisted with a vast array of conditions during the lockdown – maintaining a strong immune system, reducing stress, anxiety and sleep issues to name a few.

A recent survey by Brightfield reported that 39% of current consumers expected to increase CBD use during the pandemic. Of Millennials and Gen Z consumers – 49%, and we continue to witness the growth in the market for the best CBD products in the UK. People of all ages and backgrounds are recognising the benefits of CBD and are sourcing the best CBD products in the UK to support their holistic health needs as we transition back to the work place. As the nation now steps back out into social and professional gathering again, the focus on health and lifestyle choices has never been so prevalent. Now the time has come to return to the office – and this is no simple transition after the year we have just experienced. Many of us have become accustomed to working from home, and now face the return to the workplace or office and all the complexities this potentially entails.


Worry not, help is at hand.

The CBD industry research continues to show us the clinical value of CBD, and there are now numerous sources for the best CBD products in the UK market (look no further).

It is completely understandable that people will have concerns over protecting their immune system, our best ally and defence against illness.

CBD products in the UK can support, balance and strengthen your internal systems by allowing the products to work with your endocannabinoid system – thus supporting your whole nervous and immune vital pathways.

This supports the defence of unnecessary and unhealthy toxins in the body, reducing the risk of illness significantly when used consistently in line with your committed healthy lifestyle choices and daily routine.

Whilst so much emphasis has been placed on our physical health care, studies show that the mental health of the country has been massively affected by the pandemic.

Mental health during lockdown has been a huge challenge for so many, and it is absolutely valid to feel some apprehension and anxiety at this time, which is where CBD offers a supportive role in your daily health essentials.

Together we are rebuilding and reshaping our lives, and finding new ways.

Returning back to the office and mingling with colleagues and co-workers again may seem like a breeze for some, however for others this is a really big transition to navigate.

We have got used to working from home, taking things at our own pace and adapting our working day and schedule. This has all been a massive change, and now we are embarking on yet another huge shift to our daily routines.

We must gently re-integrate into society, remembering with compassion that we are all in this together.

Self-care and staying health conscious is more essential than ever in these times, as we see lockdown restrictions lift. Luckily there are many ways in which we can support ourselves, and each other.


Studies show that CBD products in the UK are currently helping millions of people with their mental health, and the return to the office is as much a contributing factor as any. In fact existing anxiety could well be exaggerated by this move, and it would be well advised to proceed with caution, but know that you are supported. Lockdown has taught many of us that self-care and self-awareness are more than a passing trend. As we become more self-aware, we learn how to become better versions of ourselves and therefore better versions of ourselves within our relationships – both professional, and personal. This is key behaviour to take back to the office with us.

Here are a few pointers:

Assess your needs

how often do you do this, really? How much time do you really need to spend working, and how can you maintain a happy and healthy life/work balance?

Take time to assess your own needs, and set healthy boundaries around this.

Particularly with the possibility of work demands from colleagues or management that we may not have interacted with for a while. If it is possible and reasonable to say ‘no’, practice that! You may even inspire others, as we recognise the fine line between people pleasing and real service.

Schedule your time

Just because you have access to the office, does not mean you should spend excess time there! Remember you have a choice, and you are capable to choose wisely. The last year has taught us to steady the pace and allow ourselves a little more ease. There is the possibility that don’t need to prove our worth quite so fervently. Is it possible to ease back in to the working hours? Taking breaks is no longer an option – it is essential. Use the breaks to catch your breath, assess how you are feeling. Support yourself with the best CBD products in the UK during the course of the day. It is very safe to take a few drops of a good quality CBD oil a few times a day to aide your relaxed state of mind.